Award Stories
Jack Joyce, M7OFM – RSGB Youth (Bronze) Award

Jack Joyce, M7OFM, known as JJ, is 17 years old and is a third-generation radio amateur following in the footsteps of his parents and Grandad. Recently JJ, who has complex additional needs, decided he wanted to have a go at achieving the RSGB Youth (Bronze) Award. JJ had been busy making contacts on FT8, and […]
Andrew, 2E1BRT

In 2021, we shared details of Andrew, 2E1BRT and his interest in chasing awards. Almost three years on, we thought we would get an update on how Andrew is progressing. Having completed the RSGB 6m Countries Award and the IARU R1 Mixed Band Award in 2021 he had a blank sheet to commence the next […]
Joe, M7HJO

We recently issued the second Foundation Gold Award (the first ever to an English licensee) and it was a richly-deserved reward for application and endeavour! Becoming licensed Nine-year-old Joe Holroyd passed his Foundation with Hereford ARS back in April this year; eight minutes after the exam had started, Joe strolled out with a huge grin […]
Simon, GM0SCA

Early in 2021 Simon achieved a couple of the 50MHz awards for squares and countries. He is close to achieving IARU Region 1 Class 1, in addition to chasing other major awards including 5-Band DXCC. Simon was first licensed in 1985 as G1NWN followed quickly by passing the Morse test and gaining his current call […]
Robin, G8VVY

Robin, G8VVY was licensed in 1979 and has been a VHF aficionado since those early days as a class B licensee. Although restricted to the bands 2m and higher he was always striving for dx. In the 1980s this meant working into places like Poland, what is now the Czech Republic and former East Germany, […]
Alice, Caitlin and Milly (aged 11)

Alice, Caitlin and Milly proudly showing off their Radio Surfer Award certificates. Tutored by John, G7OHOT from Hilderstone ARS, they learnt Morse, received a personal message from the FUNcube-1 satellite using a Yagi-Uda antenna and did a variety of coding and kit-building to earn their award.