RSGB General Manager

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RSGB General Manager's Latest Posts

Ofcom Consultation Paper

| September 9, 2014

Ofcom has today published a consultation setting out proposals for updating the terms and conditions of the amateur radio licence. This consultation, which is likely to be of interest to those in the amateur radio community, closes on 20 October 2014.  A discussion forum will be opened shortly here

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LTE Test Transmissions – 2.3 GHz

| September 9, 2014

Ofcom have advised that there are expected to be LTE test transmissions over the next few months in the 13 cms/2.3 GHz band. The tests will be in the central London area and will be upto 38dBW erp. If licensed Radio Amateurs should become aware of unusual transmissions, they are asked to bear this in […]

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Legacy Sub-Committee

| September 4, 2014

The RSGB Legacy Fund exists due to the generosity of donors. The Legacy Sub-Committee, with its three trustees, works with the Board to consider proposals for its use. The scope for proposals is deliberately wide. Highest priority is given to projects focused on taking our hobby forward into the future. In particular we welcome proposals […]

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New Youth Committee

| September 3, 2014

The RSGB Board has approved the formation of a new committee to provide a focus for its young members and to help promote amateur radio amongst the younger sections of society. The new committee will be known as the Youth Committee. Members of the Youth Committee must be under 26 years of age and be […]

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December is YOTA Month

| August 15, 2014

December is IARU Region 1 YOTA month and the RSGB has arranged for clubs and groups to use the special Callsign G14YOTA—and its regional variations—on a rota basis. The application process for the use of the special callsign has now been finalised and the application form is available here (1-page/51KB PDF). There are only 31 […]

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December is IARU YOTA Month

| August 15, 2014

December is IARU YOTA month and this year the RSGB has arranged for UK Clubs/Groups to use the special Callsign G14YOTA (and its Regional variations) on a rota basis. The application form is available to download from this webpage G14YOTA APPLICATION FORM. There are only 31 allocations so applicants are asked to give three choices of […]

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