Communications Manager
RSGB Communications Manager
Communications Manager's Latest Posts
Construction Competition – two new categories
Now the nights are drawing in, don’t forget about the RSGB Construction Competition. To enable members across the country—and even the world—to enter, entries will again be judged over the internet rather than in person. This year two new categories have been introduced, so there are six categories you can enter: Antennas; Beginners; Most creative […]
Three Convention presentations now online
The RSGB has released three presentations from its 2023 Convention. The first is the keynote speech in which Colonel John Doody talks about his life in the RF Spectrum during the last 60 years and asks Is this a life for you?. The second presentation is by the RSGB President, John McCullagh, GI4BWM, who talks […]
New QSL sub-manager
The RSGB QSL Bureau is pleased to advise that a replacement QSL sub-manager is now in place for the M1, M3, M5, M6 and M7 QSL sub-groups. Ann Eastwood, M7ERT has kindly volunteered to take on all five busy groups. Members can again send second class stamped, C5-sized collection envelopes to the new address. Contact details […]
RSGB Board key messages and proceedings
The RSGB Board met on Friday 13 October at the Convention. The key messages from that meeting were: Ian Suart, GM4AUP has been accepted by the IARU as a representative on the IARU Working Group on Operating Practice Finance – the Board was pleased that the deficit was still below budget and this was anticipated […]
2 October 2023 – Introduction to Contesting by Lee Volante, G0MTN
Next on Tonight @ 8… The presentation Aimed at newcomers to contesting, this presentation will explore how contesting began, explain why it is rewarding and fun, and demonstrate how anyone can take part in their first contests with equipment they have today. We’ll look at what are suitable events to start off with, both on […]
RCF funds amateur radio exams for young people
The Radio Communications Foundation (RCF) is a small charity that seeks to promote radio engineering and amateur radio. Last year, a number of teachers identified the cost of Foundation exams as a barrier for some young people. The RCF Trustees considered how they might help. Funding exams for every youngster was seen to be unaffordable, […]