Communications Manager

RSGB Communications Manager

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15 January 2024 – WRTC 2026 by Mark Haynes, M0DXR and the WRTC team

| December 31, 2023

The presentation The WRTC 2026 presentation will explain what WRTC is about and provide an overview of what the UK’s Organising Committee are planning for the 2026 event. Find out how you can be part of this once-in-a-lifetime event – either as a spectator, volunteer, competitor or referee. Following the presentation at the RSGB 2023 […]

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Nominated Board Director vacancies

| December 22, 2023

The RSGB election process is underway and the closing date for RSGB Nominated Directors is Wednesday 3 January. In being a Director, you are responsible for taking strategic decisions that steer the direction of the Society and provide the leadership and motivation to implement the strategy. If you have the right skills and attributes that […]

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Convention presentations released over Christmas

| December 21, 2023

Two more RSGB Convention presentations will be published on YouTube over the Christmas holidays. In the first, Nobby Styles, G0VJG describes the challenging and hazardous DXpedition to Europe’s rarest IOTA, Rockall Island. The second presentation, by David Lauder, G0SNO, outlines the RSGB EMC Committee investigations into sources of RF electrical interference from recent developments in […]

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District Representative vacancies

| December 21, 2023

If you live in Region 11 you could support your local amateur radio community by becoming an RSGB District Representative. DR111 covers Cornwall and the Scillies, whilst DR114 focuses on Dorset. If you would like to find out more, please contact the Regional Representative for Region 11, Andrew Jenner, G7KNA. There are also District Representatives […]

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Draft revised syllabus sections published

| December 18, 2023

Following its consultation on proposed changes to the Amateur Radio Licence, Ofcom has recently published the General notice of proposal to vary amateur radio licences. Adoption of the proposed licence variations will necessitate changes to the examination syllabus. Ofcom are inviting “representations” from licensees and other stakeholders and expect to publish their final decision on […]

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11 December 2023 – Amateur radio construction

| December 18, 2023

The presentation Do you enjoy amateur radio construction? Or would you like to try making something for the first time? The RSGB recognises the importance of construction as a key element of amateur radio, whether that is using traditional construction skills or a software or systems engineering project. In this presentation we’ll look at some […]

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