Archive for November, 2015
News for Wales – 22 November 2015
On Monday Llanelli Amateur Radio Society is holding an on-air night. Contact Craig, MW0MXT, on 01269 845 773. On Thursday Aberystwyth and District Amateur Radio Society is holding a net on 145.500 then 145.550MHz. Details from Ray, GW7AGG on 01970 611 853. On Thursday North Wales Radio Society is having a technical topics evening. Details […]
WRC-15 – Day-14

Progress seems to be getting slower and slower… Agenda Item 1.12 (10 GHz): Discussions grind on with political issues continuing, which do not affect our allocations at 10 GHz. This could result in a No Change (NOC) situation in this frequency band and could be considered a success should this occur. Future Agenda Items: These […]
WRC-15 – Day-13, A New Band…

Lucky 13! – for the amateur service, as Agenda Item 1.4 (5 MHz) passed the final two readings without any comment whatsoever. Although the 15kHz that has been agreed at ITU level is a very small international allocation, this is the first new allocation to the amateur services at HF since the WARC of 1979. […]
WRC-15 – Day-12

Future Items: The revised 50-54 MHz proposal for a possible future agenda item received its reading and agreement in Working Group 6B with the U.S. reserving its position. This means that the proposal moves up a level to Committee 6 but is still a long way from being accepted as a future agenda item. There […]
WRC-15 – Day-11 – start of Week-3

Progress is slow but steady… 5MHz: The 5 MHz item has cleared another hurdle and hopefully it will be tabled at a Plenary meeting scheduled for Wednesday, when it will receive two readings. The approval of the last reading is a key milestone, subject of course to the final signing and national administration processes. 50MHz: […]
Peer Review – December 2015
Ray Howes, G4OWY With all due respect to Dr Kirkby (RadCom, October 2015), RadCom is not a professional technical journal. It is a hobbyist journal of the amateur kind. Now, I fully understand that some people within our hobby of amateur radio continually seek to professionalise it. G8WRB’s idea that all RadCom articles be ‘peer […]