Archive for March, 2015
YOTA UK Sub-Committee, 9 March 2015
Present Rachel Landragin (Chairman) [RL], James Thornhill [JT], Rebecca Hughes [RH], William Davies [WD], Adam Hutchison [AH], James Monahan [JM], Milo Noblet [MN], Mark Dumpleton [MD] (Deputy Youth Coordinator ex-officio), Mike Jones [MJ] (Youth Coordinator ex-officio) Apologies Steve Hartley (Board ex-officio). Text in italics signifies an action note, members will be referred to by initials. […]
NoV to the Amateur Radio licence

Following the recent notification sent to licensees of the proposal to vary the Amateur Radio Licence, Ofcom has now published a Notice of Variation to the Amateur Radio licence. The new licence document, which will have effect from 7 April 2015 has also been published on the Ofcom website. Licensees who received a notification dated […]
Eclipse radio plans refined
With the solar eclipse now less than a week away, we should start with an apology. When we last mentioned the various experiments we said that the UK would experience up to 89 percent totality. Of course, in Shetland, they will experience 97 percent totality. Our apologies to all those living there, we really hope […]
RSGB Youth Committee news
Three young people have been chosen by the Youth Committee to represent the RSGB at the Italian YOTA event in July. They are Dan, M0WUT, Cristos, M0WCK and Ricky, MW6GWR. Sadly, the leader for the event has had to pull out and so the RSGB is looking for a replacement. You should ideally be a […]
WIA ANZAC commemorations
While World War I centenary activities began in 2014, the focus by the Australian community has always been on ANZAC Day, celebrated on the 25 April each year. ANZAC Day initially honoured the Australian and New Zealand Army Corp, or ANZAC, soldiers who took part in WWI, and has since been extended to commemoratively reflect […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
A team of amateur radio astronomers from around the world have been making observations of hydrogen spectra using the G4NNS EME system near Andover as an L band radio telescope. By studying hydrogen spectra it is possible to gain insights into the shape and motion of our galaxy. It is the unexpected motion of the […]