Archive for March, 2015
RSGB Twitter photo competition

The Society is celebrating amateur radio with the launch of a new photo competition. Entries should reflect an aspect of amateur radio and the winning photo will be used as the RSGB’s new Twitter profile photo. The deadline is midnight on Sunday, 12 April 2015—further information and the terms and conditions of entry can be […]
President’s Review of Contests
Following disquiet about the adjudication of a recent RSGB Contest, the Board has asked John Gould G3WKL, RSGB President, to conduct a review, in conjunction with the Contest Committee and a representative selection of contesters, of several aspects of contest administration. This will include how contest rules are reviewed, developed, communicated and implemented. The Board […]
AGM 2015 – voting now open
Members are advised that the internet voting facility is now open. Please go to the RSGB website, where you will be presented with the voting form after you have logged in.
RSGB Eclipse Experiment yields data

The RSGB’s solar eclipse radio experiments on 20 March were deemed a great success. Radio amateurs took part in a wide range of experiments on many bands, including a QSO party on 160, 80m and 40m. The use of the reverse beacon network and Morse code meant that the received signal-to-noise ratios of those taking […]
G3TXF wins Cass Award for ZD9XF
The Cass Award encourages DXpedition operating excellence and the 2014 Single-Operator Cass Award has been won by Nigel Cawthorne, G3TXF. Congratulations Nigel. It was awarded for his DXpedition to the island of Tristan da Cunha as ZD9XF in September 2014 where he worked 9314 unique stations during the first 14 days of his one-man DXpedition. […]
Amateur run community radio station
Community broadcast radio station Cambridge 105 is a voluntary organisation with over 10 radio amateurs involved. On Good Friday, 3 April, they are going back to the days of pirate radio and setting up a completely analogue studio on the Riverboat Georgina, moored on the River Cam. The day’s music will cover the whole pirate […]