Archive for December, 2014
Youngsters on the Air news
December’s Youngsters on the Air month is starting to come to a close with 37 ‘YOTA’ callsigns across IARU region active during the course of the month. Our last two days of operation will be the 27th & 28th and the callsign G14YOTA will be operated by Wolverhampton ARS. 11 different clubs have taken part […]
Bath’s 250 passes and going strong
The Bath Based Advanced Distance Learning classes celebrated their 250th pass after the December exam. In just four years the team have helped over 265 candidates gain the coveted UK Full licence. The next course starts on 25 January, heading for the June exam, and there is still time to register. There is no charge […]
Santa Claus on the air
The Santa Claus stations, OH9SCL for Santa Claus Land and OF9X for Old Father Nine Xmas are on the air. Principal radio activity will be over the weekends after Christmas around 25kHz from the band edges and the SSB pole position is at 14.225MHz. The My DX Summit website will feature OH9SCL and OF9X on […]
KW Days back again
Following the success of KW Days earlier in the year, it’s back again. The first weekend of January, the 3rd and 4th, marks the anniversary of Britain’s most successful amateur radio manufacturing company in 1956. Collectors, ex-employees, clubs and friends of KW will be active on AM on the VMARS channels and SSB throughout the […]
Also in GB2RS this week…
Following the success of KW Days earlier in the year, it’s back again. The first weekend of January, the 3rd and 4th, marks the anniversary of Britain’s most successful amateur radio manufacturing company in 1956. Collectors, ex-employees, clubs and friends of KW will be active on AM on the VMARS channels and SSB throughout the […]
Rallies and Events News – 28 December 2014
And now for the details of rallies and events for the coming week. The first rallies of the New Year are on 18 January when the Hatherleigh Rally will open in Devon at 10am and the Red Rose Winter Rally will open at 11am in Manchester. More details will be in 2015. The latest list […]