Archive for July, 2014
2m signals cross the Atlantic
The Irish Radio Transmitters Society’s Brendan Trophy for the first two-way transatlantic amateur communication on 2m has gone unclaimed for years. A new attempt to span the Atlantic is underway. Operating as VC1T on 144.155MHz, the signal from the Brendan Quest team using the FSK441 transmission mode was heard and decoded by John Regnault, G4SWX, […]
UKube-1 successfully launched
The UKube-1 amateur radio satellite was successfully launched on 8 July from Kazakhstan. Its 145.84MHz beacon signal was received by the satellites control team at 1916UTC. UKube-1 carries a set of AMSAT-UK FUNcube boards that provide an educational beacon for use by schools and a linear transponder for amateur radio communications. The FUNcube educational BPSK […]
Software developers at the RSGB Convention
The RSGB Convention takes place on 10 to 12 October at Kent’s Hill, Milton Keynes. There are some very exciting lectures and workshops planned. On Saturday, a workshop and show-and-tell session for programmers developing logging software, data modes, computer control systems, SDR, remote control and other innovations in radio software has been arranged. All are […]
Also in GB2RS this week
According to the Radio Amateur Society of Thailand new rules to govern amateur radio include the opening of the 6m band from 50 to 54 MHz; the expansion of two metres to 146.5 MHz and giving Thai advanced class license holders privileges that will allow power output levels of up to 1kW. Additional spectrum will […]
Rallies and Events News – 13 July 2014
The McMichael Rally and Car Boot Sale will take place today, 13 July, at Reading Rugby Football Club, Holme Park Farm Lane, Sonning Lane, Sonning-on-Thames, Reading RG4 6ST. Car parking is free and admission is £2, with gates opening at 9.30am. There will be trade stands and a car boot area. Details from Pete, G8FRC […]
Special Events News – 13 July 2014
GB1YOTA will be on the air on 19 and 20 of July from the RSGB’s youth event in Wolverhampton. Activities at the UK event include workshops on Summits on the Air, satellite working, digital modes, Intermediate practical assessments and Centenary PSK receiver building, a barbecue and an ARDF contest On 20 July, Chorley and District […]