Archive for June, 2013
2013: Licence Exemption in 2.4GHz
June-2013: Ofcom consultation regarding Licence Exempt spectrum use in the 2400 MHz band Ofcom Call for Input RSGB Joint reply
Ofcom Consultations
Ofcom is consulting on a series of topics that will have a direct effect on amateur radio in the UK. A discussion forum has been opened on the RSGB website for the first of these – Spectrum Release in the 2.3 and 3.4GHz amateur bands. This particularly affects the microwave and ATV communities and the […]
WRC-18 Agenda Item spectrum harmonisation
The ITU World Radiocommunication Conference WRC-15 preparation process, as outlined in last weekend’s GB2RS News, covers some complex issues for the amateur community. The RSGB has been closely involved with this preparation process by attending and presenting papers at a number of Ofcom, CEPT and ITU meetings, and will continue to do so. This direct […]
V series NoVs available for RSGB Centenary
Ofcom has supported the RSGB’s Centenary celebrations with the very special G100RSGB callsign, for which the RSGB is very grateful. UK clubs and societies have made the station a success both at home and abroad with thousands of contacts made already. Now Ofcom have made available NoVs for a commemorative prefix of GV, MV and […]
Also in GB2RS, 23 June 2013…
G100RSGB, the special event callsign celebrating the RSGB Centenary will be operated today by Bedford and DARC running an HF and VHF station. Monday it’s the turn of Bracknell ARC who are planning HF and VHF coverage with the possibility of some datamodes operations. On Tuesday 25th, Echelford ARS will be running HF and VHF […]
GB2RS News Script for 23 June 2013
Download the GB2RS script for Sunday, 23 June 2013. GB2RS News Script for Sunday, 23 June 2013 (10-page/84KB Word document) Listen to the GB2RS Podcast