Archive for March, 2013

England Midlands

| March 8, 2013

We start with clubs that have several events this week. Lincoln Short-Wave Club is holding its Foundation exam today. On Wednesday there’s a natter night at the BSA club and G6COL on the air from the shack. Thursday sees the club net on 145.375MHz from 8pm, and the Saturday surgery and mentoring is in the […]

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GB2RS News, Sunday 10 March 2013

| March 8, 2013

Download the GB2RS script for Sunday 10 March 2013 Podcast website

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GB2RS News, Sunday 10 March 2013

| March 8, 2013

Rob, M0VFC wins the Cass Award The Cass Award encourages DXpeditions to maximise the number of unique contacts made. It comes with a $1000 prize for the single-operator DXpedition that works the most unique callsigns within a 4-week period. This award honours the wisdom and spirit of Cass, WA6AUD, after whom this new award was […]

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G100RSGB lastest news

| March 8, 2013

The special event callsign celebrating the RSGB Centenary stays in Region 4 this week. Sunday, 10 March, sees Durham and District ARS putting an HF and VHF station on the air using SSB and PSK. On 11 March, GD100RSGB will be heard again as the callsign goes back to the Isle of Man with CW, […]

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LES-1 satellite heard again

| March 8, 2013

Phil Williams, G3YPQ, an amateur radio astronomer in North Cornwall reports picking up a signal from the LES 1 satellite, a satellite launched in 1965. The satellite failed to reach its intended orbit owing to a wiring error and has been drifting out of control ever since. G3YPQ ran across it while monitoring near 237MHz […]

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Also in GB2RS this week

| March 8, 2013

Advanced Exam March 2013 On 2 March, 54 candidates sat the Advanced Examination and 39 were successful. The next examination will be held on Thursday 2 May at 7pm. The closing date for applications is on 10 April. Congratulations to all those who were successful. All digital modes now open to French amateurs Pierre, F1SHS, […]

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