Archive for 2012

WRC-12 Day 7—29 January 2012—Sunday working

| January 29, 2012

After intense discussions during this Sunday meeting, a drafting group produced a document that lays out the positions of those administrations both for an allocation and those against an allocation at 472-479kHz to the amateur service. The document will now be discussed again in sub-working group 4C3 on Monday to try and find a way […]

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WRC-12 Day 5—27 January 2012—Progress

| January 27, 2012

Progress was made with a compromise proposal on agenda item 1.23, drafted to take into consideration the views of those for and those against an amateur service allocation around 500kHz. This proposal suggests a 7kHz segment between 472-479kHz, very close to the CEPT position of 472-480kHz. Initial indications are that this could be acceptable to […]

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WRC-12 Day 4 – 26th January 2012 – Progress?

| January 26, 2012

The first meeting of the sub working group on agenda item 1.23 took place during the morning session but little formal progress was made. Meanwhile ‘corridor meetings’ took place to try and find a way forward. As a result of these discussions, a small group met to consolidate the 12 input documents reflecting the views […]

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WRC-12 Day 3 – An uphill struggle on 500kHz

| January 25, 2012

Colin, G3PSM reports. Continuing on the same theme as yesterday, a sub working group meeting was held in the morning of 25 January. Russia is maintaining its opposition to the various 500kHz proposal, based on “possible” interference to the existing aeronautical radionavigation service. Despite persuasive arguments to the contrary from Australia, Canada, UK, and US […]

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WRC-12 Day 2 – 500kHz work commences for Colin, G3PSM

| January 24, 2012

From the amateur service aspect the hard work of the conference started today, Wednesday 25 January. Early discussions in sub working group 4C3 (the 500kHz proposal) focussed on developing a work-plan, however, a minority led by Russia, Iran and China centred around whether an allocation should even be considered and, if it were, how incumbent […]

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WRC-12 Day 1—Colin sets the scene at the Conference

| January 23, 2012

WRC-12 opened at 11.00 on 23 January with the formal speeches and political niceties usually associated with a global conference of this size. Over 150 administrations are represented and Mr T Al Awadhi from the United Arab Emirates was elected as the conference chairman. Work started after lunch with the election of the various committees, […]

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