British Science Week – RSGB Challenge

Image of a scope trace in green on black background

The theme of British Science Week (BSW) this year was ‘Time’ and both time and the closely related concept of frequency are of vital importance to radio communications.

As part of its BSW 2024 activities, the RSGB announced a new challenge:

Using readily available components, material or other resources, provide a method of either measuring the frequency of a radio frequency source or signal, or providing a time reference to a radio operator or radio system.

The deadline for entries is 1 September 2024 and the results will be announced at the RSGB Convention in October.

We’ll consider entries in three groups:

  • Under 18, or still in school

  • Under 21, or an undergraduate up to the age of 23

  • No age restriction

We’ll give special consideration to the novelty of the method or its implementation.

The winner of each group will win a prize of £150.

For any queries, please email RSGB British Science Week Coordinator, Ian Neal, M0KEO at