In your community

 Jack, 14, makes QSO under supervision at library open eventEvents within the community bring individuals together and are a place for people to meet and share experiences.

Perhaps you are already a member of a group, such as u3a or the WI, or maybe you could arrange an activity at your local library or community centre? Whatever it is, use your enthusiasm for amateur radio and get people involved.

  • Give a history talk: On 14 April 1912, the Titanic sent a distress message: ‘Come at once. We have struck a berg. It’s a CQD, old man’. Using clips from YouTube, the BBC, and examples of telegrams sent via radio to the Titanic, produce a presentation on the history of radio communications. Offer to present this to a group

  • Teach a Men in Sheds group how to solder properly and safely

  • Identify broadcast stations – use a wideband receiver covering Medium wave (531 kHz to 1602 kHz) and find European broadcast stations. Try to identify where they are located, see how far away you can hear and find the transmit power. Talk about factors affecting reception

Working with a community group?

Interested in organising a buildathon? Take a look at our guide to planning one.

Maybe you’d like to run a session on microprocessors. Take a look at our MCU page.

We love to hear from you! Let us know how you get on by sending a summary of your activity and photos to