Friends and family

The Glyn family: three generations of radio amateursWhy not share the magic of radio with a friend or family member? It is amazing to see how many people say that a family member first introduced them to the hobby.

It’s never been easier to study for a Foundation licence. There are online courses available and the RSGB’s remote examination platform is easy to book and use. Help your loved ones start their journey into amateur radio by trying these suggestions:

  • Do a guided tour of your shack, starting with the antenna and working your way through to the speaker and headphones. Then go back again from the microphone to the antenna. Emphasise the magic of radio and explain a how resonance works. Give them a practical demonstration and try finding someone to have a QSO with

  • Give a briefing on how to make a QSO and then supervise your family and friends while they have a go at talking to the world. Remember that holders of all levels of licence can supervise now. Try internet-enabled repeaters if you’re on VHF/UHF – there’s usually someone in a far-distant country happy to chat

  • Set up a ‘sked’ with a friendly amateur who you know so that your family can have a proper conversation and you’re sure of a QSO. If you have a licensed family member abroad, that’s a fantastic bonus as you can contact them through DV or Internet-enabled repeaters if you don’t have HF

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