RSGB Strategy

The RSGB Board has decided to continue with its chosen four strategic priorities until the 2025 AGM. These build on the original priorities outlined in the 2022 Strategy which you can see at the bottom of the page.

The four current priorities are:

  • Growth of amateur radio

  • Membership of the RSGB

  • Spectrum and licensing

  • Ensuring the continued financial stability of the Society

These priorities will set the framework for the RSGB’s activities over the coming months.

Both HQ staff and volunteers across the range of RSGB teams will be involved in planning how best to implement these four priorities.

Strategic priority updates

The Board has committed to update members regularly. You can read the monthly updates in RadCom or here on our website in the updates section.


RSGB Strategy 2022

The RSGB launched its new five-year strategy in April 2017 which had an impact on plans and activities across the organisation. Members were kept informed through monthly updates in RadCom, we released video updates and developed new ways of communicating with members and the wider amateur radio community.

RSGB Strategy 2022

Take a look at this section of our website to find out more about the Strategy, how it was created, who had input and what the Society’s goals, priorities and values were for those five years.