Also in GB2RS this week…

| May 17, 2024

The latest RadCom contesting column is now available for all to read on the RSGB website. Since April 2024 this exclusive content has been shared online each month following the publication of each RadCom issue. This useful resource shares various aspects about contesting including tip of the month, a featured UK contester, as well as a contest of the month. This month Nick Totterdell, G4FAL????, who is the HF Contest Committee Chairman, looks at the history of contesting. To find out more, and to read this month’s column, visit the website

A reminder now that International Museums Weekend will be taking place on the third and fourth weekends in June. This year, those weekends are the 15 and 16, and the 22 and 23 June. Special event stations will be operating from a wide variety of museums from many different countries. To read more about the event, and to register to take part, visit the website

Don’t forget that lots of stations are on the air to celebrate SOS Radio Week throughout the month of May. The event takes place each year to celebrate the work of the volunteers from the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, Independent Lifeboats and National Coastwatch Stations around the British Isles. A commemorative certificate is available to all official stations that record their contacts on the website together with awards for the top individual and club, or group, stations on each band from 160m to 70cm. To read more about the event visit the website

Category: GB2RS Headlines