Ofcom-RSGB Forum – 3 December 2015

| December 9, 2015

RSGB logo and Ofcom office

AROS/Ofcom interface

It was noted that

  • Improved joint working arrangements had been agreed.
  • AROS had acquired a new VHF direction finding capability
  • Ofcom had been active in removing non-compliant equipment from the UK market
  • Ofcom, in conjunction with the police, had successfully resolved a complaint about poor operating practice
  • Ofcom had followed up complaints about poor operating practice on the GB3GL repeater and continued to monitor activity

Licence Review – guidance

It was noted that Ofcom intended to update the guidance, initially on a quarterly basis. It was agreed that the RSGB should submit the comments that it had collated before Christmas and a meeting be held in the New Year to consider the proposed changes alongside the draft RSGB best practice notes.

Revocation of un-validated licences

Ofcom reported that 537 un-validated licences from the first batch had been revoked after all attempts to contact the licence holders had failed, and that the call signs concerned would be published on the Ofcom website. The RSGB agreed to publicise the Ofcom notice. It was noted that some 15,000 licences still remained un-validated and the revocation process would continue.

Ofcom confirmed that copies of death certificates were no longer required to verify a SK, but notification in writing was needed.

Updating the paper/PDF application forms

The RSGB asked that forms for an amateur radio licence and an SES callsign be updated, and agreed to provide drafts

Revised Packet NoV

Ofcom agreed in principle that the Packet NoV should be amended in line with the draft prepared by the RSGB. It was noted that the revised form addressed the recent concern about igates. Ofcom agreed to provide a definitive response by the end of the year

Revised NoV and guidance for special contest call signs

The revisions submitted by the RSGB were agreed for implementation when the existing NoVs expire.

WRC-15: Harmonised spectrum allocation at 5MHz

Ofcom reported that, whilst the existing allocation for UK amateurs remained unchanged, the feasibility of extending the allocation to encompass the harmonised 15kHz allocation between 5351.5 – 5366.5 kHz would be explored with the Primary user. RSGB thanked Ofcom for their support at the WRC meeting.

WRC-19 agenda

It was reported that a proposal for a harmonised ITU Region-1 50 MHz amateur allocation would be an agenda item for the next conference, WRC-19.


To help detail the “harmful interference” aspects of EMC problems, RSGB will publish advice to Members on what to look for and report. RSGB highlighted the implications of the new EU Radio Equipment Directive that would be implemented on 13 June 2016. It was agreed that this be a major item for discussion at the next meeting, to which enforcement colleagues would be invited.

Tim Peake and the ISS

Ofcom confirmed that the NoVs for the planned school contacts would be issued next week. The RSGB agreed to liaise with Tim with a view to providing an educational event at Ofcom.

Call sign re-issue

RSGB raised several concerns about the call sign re-issue policy. It was agreed that the RSGB and Ofcom would meet early in the New Year to discuss these in detail.

400th anniversary of the Mayflower voyage to America

RSGB reported that 2020 would see extensive celebrations to commemorate this event and that they had been approached by a group planning amateur radio events. Ofcom agreed to consider a suitable special SES call sign.

Date of next meeting

15 March 2016.

Category: Ofcom-RSGB Forum