Schedule announced for 2m transatlantic attempt

| June 20, 2014

The Irish Radio Transmitters Society’s Brendan Trophy for the first two-way transatlantic amateur communication has gone unclaimed for years. A determined effort is being made this summer by the Brendan Quest team in Pouch Cove, Newfoundland. Using 750W to a 30 metre long 43-element Yagi at 6 to 8.5m above ground level, the VC1T team hope to achieve transatlantic communication on 2m, one of the few remaining amateur radio distance records. The detailed summer operating schedule has now been released at and describes how VC1T will be using WSJT, CW and SSB between 4 and 12 July. It is important that EU operators follow the operating protocol closely to increase the chance of success. Full details, including details of the monster antenna, are on the website.

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