YOTA 2014 Team Leader Wanted
The RSGB Board has given its approval for the Society to send a team to the IARU Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) event in July. The event is held in July every year in a Region 1 country and brings together young radio amateurs from 15 member societies. This year it is hosted by the Finnish Radio Amateur League. Previous events have included workshops on antenna building, satellites, ARDF, and robots as well as some on-air sessions and cultural visits. More details about YOTA can be found on their website at www.ham-yota.eu.
All RSGB members within the age range stipulated by the event organisers (15-25) are being sent a personal invitation to apply for a place on the UK team. Applications need to be submitted to the Training and Education Committee Chair by 14th of February and the team will be selected by a panel made up from the RSGB Board members.
Funds have been secured such that this will be an expenses paid trip for four young members and a Team Leader.
Could you be the Team Leader? The Society is looking for someone to lead the UK team. That person may be over 25 but will preferably be a young teacher or other type of experienced youth leader. If you think you could fulfil that role, please contact the Chair of the Training and Education Committee via tec.chair@rsgb.org.uk
Depending on the level of interest, the Training and Education Committee may set up a one-day, or weekend event in the UK to link up with the guys in Finland and to do more for younger amateurs. Depending on its success this could become an annual event.
Category: GB2RS Headlines, RSGB Notices