RSGB Convention

11 to 13 October 2024

Kents Hill Park, Milton Keynes 

A feast of amateur radio

This year the RSGB Convention will take place between 11 and 13 October at Kents Hill Park in Milton Keynes. This is the place to be if you are interested in everything and anything to do with amateur radio – there truly is something here for everyone.

We’re delighted that, once again, the event will be sponsored by Martin Lynch & Sons.

We are pleased that AMSAT will be holding its Colloquium during the Convention again this year.

Engaging presentations and practical activities

The RSGB Convention is renowned for assembling a unique collection of entertaining, intriguing and thought-provoking speakers. Following last month’s request for ideas, we are delighted to announce that we already have the beginnings of a fabulous line-up of speakers, organised into three streams: Getting Started (aimed at those who want to try something new), Operating and Technical.

To give you a taste of the presentations confirmed so far…

  • Chair of the Propagation Studies Committee Steve Nichols, G0KYA will be talking about Solar Cycle 25 and comparing how predictions he made three years ago stack up against reality

  • Continuing the propagation theme, if you are interested in Sporadic-E then Chris Deacon, G4IFX’s talk is one that you won’t want to miss

  • John Hislop, G7OHO will be delivering a presentation about building radios with the Raspberry Pi Pico. This is sure to be popular as more and more amateurs use these devices to improve their experience of the hobby

  • Building on his popular presentation about PCBs at last year’s Convention, John Linford, G3WGV will talk again about PCBs, but this time with the focus on getting to grips with surface mount technology and the challenges it poses for radio amateurs

In addition to a full programme of speakers, interactive activities are planned to encourage attendees to get hands-on and experience different facets of the hobby.

Special Interest Groups

One of the most interesting aspects of the Convention is the selection of special interest groups that attend. They are all so full of enthusiasm for their own areas that it is difficult to leave the Convention without being inspired to pursue different areas of amateur radio. Make sure to be present if you want to catch many of them in one place.

Visit the RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC) at Bletchley Park

If you are planning to arrive on Friday, why not take in all that the NRC has to offer? It will be open from 9.30am to 5pm. We have also arranged a private tour of Bletchley Park for Convention attendees on the Friday afternoon. Remember to download your entry voucher at

The social side

We often hear reports that the chance to meet and chat to other amateurs at the Convention is invaluable. Every year feedback from the Convention includes comments like ‘I’m so glad I met my old friend…’ and ‘We’ve been looking forward to meeting up all year…’

Make it your event

As part of the RSGB’s strategy, we want to ensure that this prestigious annual event not only meets the needs of our members, but also helps every radio amateur to share their love of the hobby with others.

The deadline for presentation proposals has passed. However, if you would like to offer to deliver a presentation or practical activity, please email (put ‘Convention proposal’ and the topic in the email title).

Be inspired…

The RSGB 2023 Convention had a packed programme of the very best amateur radio lectures from around the world. With lecture streams, forums, special interest groups, presentations, a Buildathon, stands and social spaces, there was something for everyone.

Head to our YouTube channel to watch selected presentations from the event, ranging from VHF airborne radar and sources of RF interference to an update on 23cms and taking amateur radio into schools. You can also watch our conversation with RSGB President John McCullagh MBE, GI4BWM and IRTS President Enda Broderick, EI2II about their views on the opportunities, challenges and great things happening in amateur radio.


The RSGB Convention is proudly sponsored by Martin Lynch & Sons