Online NoV applications

NoVs available from this website

Available from the ETCC website

Applications for voice/TV repeaters, gateways and data stations are coordinated by RSGB ETCC. They also host the beacon application process.

Important NoV information

  • Please check the Ofcom website for further information about NoVs.

These are are for Full Licensees only:-

  • 70.5-71.5 MHz: The 71MHz NoV process is now available —see extra information

  • 147MHz: The latest 146-147 MHz NoV is now available—see extra information

  • 2.3GHz: The new 2300-2302 MHz NoV is now available—see extra information

  • 275GHz: An NoV for bands above 275GHz is now available—see extra information

  • SCC: Special Contest (shorter) Callsigns


  • 472kHz and 5MHz: These bands were incorporated into to the amateur licence for Full licensees in 2015. This replaced the need for separate NoVs.
  • Beacons: Propagation Beacon NoVs generally also require IARU-R1 coordination in order to proceed—please contact HQ first (ETCC host an application service)