RSGB notices
The latest news, information and announcements from RSGB HQ and the Board
RSGB School Zone stories
The RSGB’s School Zone webpage brings together radio amateurs in schools and…RSGB YOTA team announced
We are pleased to announce the team of young RSGB members who…RadCom Basics Editor vacancy
The RSGB is sad to report that RadCom Basics Editor Lee Aldridge,…Harold Kramer, WJ1B, former ARRL COO operates GB3RS
We were delighted to welcome former ARRL Chief Operating Officer, Harold Kramer,…National Radio Centre Coronation celebrations
Over the Coronation weekend, the RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC) at Bletchley…BBC Two programme secrets revealed
Last year, the RSGB was approached by the BBC to find experts…Board Director Co-option
The RSGB Board has made the following announcement: Under the Article 32…RSGB Coronation activities still running
Although the Coronation itself has taken place, our Coronation activities run until…International Women in Engineering Day
We know that amateur radio is a great foundation for STEM careers.…