How do I get started in amateur radio?

Radio amateur operating an handheld radio in a park

Your first step into amateur radio is to gain your Foundation licence which is issued by Ofcom. To gain your licence, you will need to study for, and pass, the Foundation exam.

This is a one-hour multiple choice exam which you take online, either at home or at a radio club. The exam helps to ensure that you can operate safely and without causing issues to other radio users.

Preparing for the Foundation exam

You can contact your local radio club to support you in preparing for your exam or you can study at home, following an online course, if you choose. There are plenty of materials to support your learning, such as RSGB books, videos and resources.

The exam

The Foundation exam is taken online and you will be informed of your result immediately. When you’re ready you can book and pay for your exam through the RSGB website, and take your exam online at a time/ date that suits you.

Once you have passed your exam and have received official confirmation of your result, you can register on the Ofcom licensing system, choose your call sign and apply for your licence.

Join the RSGB!

If you haven’t done so already, this would be a great time to join the RSGB. Membership gives you access to the monthly magazine, RadCom, as well as RadCom Basics and Plus. You’ll also benefit from helpful videos, advice, taking part in awards and contests, book discounts and free entry to Bletchley Park (which includes the RSGB National Radio Centre).