Course & exam finder

For all exam enquiries, email or call 01234 832 700 and choose the Exams option

Taking courses and exams online

You can study and take your exams online – follow the links below to find out more

Find in-person courses and exams

To find in-person courses and exams in your area, enter your town or postcode and select travelling distance

If your search term doesn’t return any results, try widening your search area

Key to map results

Course and Exam Finder only displays exam centres where the club is affiliated to the RSGB and based in the United Kingdom, Isle of Man, or the Channel Islands

Yes Is an RSGB-registered exam centre
No Not an RSGB-registered exam centre
DIS Disabled access
PAR Parking available on-site
PTR Venue served by public transport
FDN Foundation
INT Intermediate
DTF Direct-to-Full