Be inspired by the RSGB National Radio Centre

| January 27, 2025


Jake making a QSO at the RSGB National Radio CentreThe RSGB National Radio Centre (NRC) receives thousands of visitors through its doors each week. For some it may only be a passing visit, but for others it’s an insight into a world they knew nothing about, and they leave wanting to know more.

A family day out

When Jake, aged 12, visited the NRC with his Grandad and Aunty during the Easter holidays they knew there and then they wanted to know more about amateur radio.

Under the supervision of NRC volunteers, he made his first QSO with W4VDW. Jake was so inspired that he, along with his Grandad, went straight to the Bletchley Park bookshop to purchase The Foundation Licence Manual for Radio Amateurs because they wanted to get their call sign as soon as possible.

Youth Groups

As well as day visitors, the NRC also arranges evening visits for youth groups, such as Scouts or Guides. As part of Youngsters on the Air Month (YOTA) 2024, the Centre welcomed a number of groups in December, including the Wolverton and Bletchley Girl Guides, who were working towards gaining their Communications Badge.

During the visit the Guides were able to practise sending and receiving their name in Morse code using both a straight and paddle key. They also made QSOs via the QO-100 satellite, as well as by DMR radio using handhelds and shortwave communication on the 40m band.

The Guides enjoyed the visit so much that several expressed a keen interest in going on to obtain an amateur radio Foundation licence.

If you’d like to arrange a private tour of the NRC for a youth group, you can email

Category: Your stories