Volunteers’ Week – Andrew Jenner, G7KNA

| June 5, 2024

Andrew Jenner, G7KNA talking to a radio amateur at an event

For Andrew Jenner, G7KNA the best thing about volunteering as part of the RSGB Regional Team is the grassroots interaction with members and other radio amateurs, whether at rallies, club visits, or over emails. He says it is great to be able to help someone with a particular query, or perhaps put them in touch with an appropriate specialist within the society.

Andrew first became a volunteer District Representative (DR) for South Gloucestershire, Bristol and South and East Somerset (DR113) in 2018. He was then co-opted as Regional Representative in 2023 and has just been co-opted again as the Representative for Region 11.

He has found more recently a lot of queries and discussions have centred on the Ofcom changes in the Licence Conditions that came into effect in February 2024. The changes have required the Regional Team to be familiar with the Consultation process and the revised conditions, in order to be able to assist members.

As an RSGB representative he has also undertaken club visits and delivered talks about the RSGB, the benefits of membership and, more recently, the licence changes and the recent WRC conference outcomes.  After the formal presentation, questions and answers can cover a number of topics.

Andrew also receives a number of queries via email, which could range from planning queries through to people wanting to re-engage with the hobby.

Andrew says, “Volunteering in the Regional Team is about being a point of contact for people, someone to help guide members to the right place to assist them. It isn’t about being a technical expert, but a gatekeeper.”

The Regional Team has a wide range of people from various backgrounds and experiences, and its members play an important role within the RSGB. There are currently a number of regions missing at least one representative, so if you’re interested in finding out more about volunteering in the Regional Team visit the RSGB volunteers page on the website to see the specific vacancies available.

Category: Your stories