YOTA Hungary 2023 – Day 1

| August 1, 2023

What did you get up to on Day 1?

“We started the first day of the camp with a traditional Hungarian breakfast joined by some members of the Estonian team. Then we had some Train the Trainer lectures, followed by everyone from the participating countries saying a few words about themselves and the radio situation in their country.

The main exercise of the day was Amateur Radio Direction Finding (ARDF). We were taught the basics, including the operations of 2m and 80m ARDF receivers and the triangulation of signals. We were shown software on the computer that could replicate how to find the location of the foxes. These foxes are small transmitters that play their call sign in Morse code. You use a small Yagi-style antenna to work out which direction the fox is in. The weaker it is the further away it is, the stronger it is the closer you are to it.

We each had a turn with the receiver, however, we weren’t very good and only managed to locate one of the transmitters excluding the beacon! We still had fun and enjoyed trying it for the first time.












Later on, we had the intercultural evening. We set up our table with various items of British food and RSGB merchandise. It was very interesting to be able to go around and learn about each other’s customs and traditions, as well as trying all of the other nations’ food!”

Category: YOTA 2023