13 May 2024 – KiCAD PCB design software by Mike Willis, G0MJW

| May 31, 2024

The presentation

The aim of this talk is an introduction to designing printed circuit boards (PCBs) using the popular open source KiCAD package. Printed circuit boards are the basis of many amateur radio projects and this talk should demonstrate that anyone can design one and give some tips on how to ensure the board works and all the parts fit.

The presentation will cover the basics, in real time, starting with a circuit sketch, going through the process of converting that into a schematic diagram and then using that to create a PCB design, concluding with how to send this out for production.

About the presenter

Mike has been licensed since 1983, initially with a Class B call, G6VDO and then became G0MJW after passing the Morse test in 1990. In those days you had to wait for specific call letters to come up. He also holds a US extra call, AD6XY but rarely gets to use it. Mike has always been most interested in the technical side of the hobby, largely because he has always been interested in electronics and studied electronic engineering. When he started out in amateur radio, Class B licensees only had access to bands at VHF and up. As a result, that’s where his main interests lie, even after having access to HF for over 30 years. He is also active on amateur satellites and amateur television.

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