Terry Barnes, GI3USS, 18th September 2016
Former RSGB President Terry Barnes, GI3USS passed away on the 18th of September 2016.
Terry served as RSGB President in 1992. He was the first GI to hold the position for some 25 years (the last being Barney Patterson, GI3KYP, in 1967). Terry had been a volunteer for the Society for some years before his election to President, and put this experience to good use during his term of office. In his first leader article for RadCom he wrote of EMC problems, ‘black box’ operating and ways that the RSGB could be modernised.
He was also the President of the Radio Amateur Old Timers’ Association (RAOTA) from 1994 until 1998.
His successor as RSGB President, Peter Chadwick, G3RZP reminisces:
“Terry was President in 1992. His inauguration was held in Bangor in Northern Ireland: because the Company Secretary at the time was the late John Hall, G3KVA, and because of John’s previous professional responsibilities, John was advised not to go to the inauguration, which caused some disappointment. Prior to retirement, Terry worked for the Northern Ireland police as a radio technician: he was the Zonal Council member for Northern Ireland before becoming President.

Terry, GI3USS, Bert, GI3IIF and Eddie, GI3SXG enjoying the 1967 NFD in at Islandmagee, Co Antrim. Photo courtesy EI5DI.
“I was the RSGB Executive Vice President in that year, and he and I made the first RSGB foray to the Dayton Hamvention, running a small booth selling RSGB books and memberships – which proved profitable enough for the process to be worth repeating. Terry spent a lot of time at Potters Bar: he signed every membership certificate himself – no rubber stamp signature! – and often stayed in the ‘flat’ there, which was nowhere near the plush apartment that some members imagined!
“Terry, Frank Hall (GM8BZX, President in 1991) and myself generally went for a pizza and a bottle of Piesporter after RSGB Council meetings, which allowed us to set the world to rights. I well remember his excitement at one of these meals when he told us about the Labgear LG300 AM and CW transmitter he had just acquired and his problems in getting it back home.
“As President, he travelled widely through the UK in support of regional activities, and stayed with me a few times when we were representing RSGB at various activities within Zone D, for which I was the Zonal Council Member. He was a member of RAOTA as well as RSGB. In later years, I know he was unwell for a long time, and his XYL also suffered from long term illness.”
Family member David Barnes adds,
“Terry was my uncle on my father’s side.
“I would like to thank the RSGB for such a grand tribute to Terry on your website. It was from Terry, that I found my love for all things electrical, and subsequently spent 30 years involved with everything from radar and communications, to global data networks to satellite control and communication systems. With our loss, I take solace that the family are back together, since my father passed away at age 37, in 1970.
“As you are probably aware, Terry grew up and lived near Bangor all of his life with his wife Yvonne, raising their 3 children. His brother, my father Ian (John) left for Scotland, where he married my mother. However we often returned, as a family, to spend many happy summers playing with our cousins, Terry’s children, while staying with our grandparents, Willie and May Barnes, at their home Lochiel, the rear of which looked out on to Carnalea golf course and down to Ballyholme.
“While we were children, staying at Lochiel one year during the summer school holidays, we were told an anecdote of Terry and Ian, when they were boys, which I would like to relate to you now, since it has stayed with me all these years. Terry and Ian were playing in the back garden with a set of golf clubs and balls; quite a common activity by all accounts given their close proximity to the Carnalea golf course. Ian, I can only assume in an absent moment, took a swing at the ball, unfortunately while facing the house. The ball flew straight and true, but directly at Terry, whom it narrowly missed; primarily due to his quick reactions we were told. However, this reaction did not go without its consequences, since it then sailed straight through the dining room window, leaving a perfect hole and bounced around the room. When my Grandfather stood up, spluttering from his breakfast table and glowered at the boys, Ian stammered, “It wasn’t my fault, Terry ducked!”
“We will all miss Terry, a real gentleman with a marvellous sense of humour and a kind nature. Please give my thanks to all your members. Here’s to fond memories.”
Yours Aye,
David Barnes
In the name of Mr Waldemar Sznajder, 3Z6AEF – President of the Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK) and of all Polish radio amateurs – I would like to convey our deepest condolences having regard for the recent passing away of our Friend Terry Barnes, GI3USS – a former President of the Radio Society of Great Britain.
We will always remember the entirety of achievements of Terry, GI3USS – bearing in mind His significant and versatile contribution in the development of amateur radio movement in Europe as well as all over the world.
Please receive our condolences addressed to the whole RSGB and to all our Amateur Radio Friends in the United Kingdom.
May he rest in peace.
Cordial 73,
Pawel Zakrzewski, SP7TEV
IARU Liaison Officer of the Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK)
Terry’s funeral was on Tuesday 27 September 2016 at Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church, Bangor, Co Down. (Tnx MI0AEX).
If you would like to add any anecdotes, comments or other information about Terry then please email details to sk@rsgb.org.uk. Terry’s obituary also appears in the November 2016 edition of RadCom.
Category: Silent Keys