Martyn Phillips, G3RFX / ZB2FX, 20 June 2014
It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that Martyn Phillips, G3RFX, ZB2FX, CDXC Committee member and CDXC Digest Editor for the past 11 years, passed away on the morning of 20 June 2014 after a short illness.
Martyn was a GB2RS reader on HF & VHF from 14th May 1995 until August 2012. He made 1,273 broadcasts . He was also at one-time committee member and Chairman of the Bristol RSGB Group
He will be sorely missed as a great editor, generator of outstanding puns and all round good guy. Our thoughts are with Martyn’s wife Jane.
R.I.P. Martyn.
Chris, G3SVL
Chairman, CDXC

Martyn Phillips, G3RFX (SK) seen at his shack desk from where he made 1273 GB2RS broadcasts and many thousands of personal contacts.
Category: Silent Keys