RSGB Convention just three weeks away

| September 20, 2024

The RSGB Convention is just three weeks away and there is a fantastic programme planned

Whatever your amateur radio interests or experience there will be something for you.

In addition to the presentations, you could take part in a workshop to learn more about microcontroller programming—spaces are limited so book soon if you want to be part of that event.

There will also be an EMF and EMC clinic, contest forums, and a chance to find out more about a wide range of amateur radio special interest groups.

The social side of the Convention is important too, whether you’re catching up with friends over coffee, or enjoying the Gala Dinner on Saturday evening.

Day or weekend tickets for the Convention are still cheaper if you buy in advance rather than on the door, and the deadline for advance tickets is Monday, 7 October 2024.

To find out more about the programme, the speakers, and to book your tickets, go to the

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