Special Events News – 19 May 2024

| May 17, 2024

Today, the 19 May, RAF Waddington Amateur Radio Club will be back at the International Bomber Command Centre for its Inspire Ride 2024 event, which this year will pay tribute to the men of Stalag Luft III who took part in the ‘Great Escape’ in March 1944. Operators expect to be working on the HF bands, using SSB and some CW, as well as FM on the 2m band. The station will be using special event callsign GB5ESC, between 10am and 4pm.

North West Group Amateur Radio Club, MN0NWG is running special event station GB0AEL until the 31 May to commemorate the anniversary of Amelia Earhart’s transatlantic flight.  On 20 and 21 May 1932, Earhart became the first woman to fly nonstop and alone across the Atlantic Ocean. Recently, the station has been heard on the HF bands using CW, FT8 and SSB. QSL via MI0HOZ, directly or via the Bureau.

The United Nations Global Service Centre Amateur Radio Club, 4U1GSC, in Brindisi is active as 4U29MAY until the 31 May. The special callsign is active to promote the International Day of UN Peacekeepers, which is the 29 May. The station has been worked recently on the 20 and 15m bands using CW. QSL via 9A2AA.

Category: GB2RS Special Events