| March 21, 2025

The RSGB 2025 AGM will take place at 10am on Saturday, 12 April 2025 and will be held online to ensure as many members as possible can watch and take part.

The formal business of the meeting will include the results of members’ votes on the resolutions and details about the election.

The RSGB President John McCullagh MBE, GI4BWM will give a video review of 2024 and then the Society will announce the recipients of its annual awards and trophies, as well as the winners of its construction competition.

After the main AGM meeting, we’re delighted to have a presentation about the Society’s strategy.

Led by Board Director Mark Jones, G0MGX there will also be contributions from Board Director Ben Lloyd, GW4BML; Spectrum Forum Chair Murray Niman, G6JYB; and Bob Beebe, GU4YOX who will at that point be the new RSGB President.

The presentation will cover the Society’s outreach projects for youth, developments and challenges in defending the spectrum, and an outline of what Bob hopes to focus on during his first year as President.

It will finish with the RSGB’s high-level strategic goals for the year 25/26.

You will be able to ask questions during and after the presentation via YouTube livechat.

Go to our AGM web pages for the agenda and to find out more about:


Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines, RSGB Notices