Also in GB2RS this week…

| July 5, 2024

Don’t forget you can get involved in the new GR2HQ Challenge next weekend, the 13 and 14 July, as part of the IARU HF World Championship contest. You can take part as individuals but also benefit your club, so why not encourage your club members to take part whether they are regular contesters or not. During the contest, Headquarters Stations represent their countries and the RSGB’s station GR2HQ will be run by a network of about a dozen stations around the UK and islands. You will be able to submit your log, including QSOs with GR2HQ, to the RSGB contest robot for the GR2HQ Challenge. If you include your club or group name when you submit your log, each QSO with GR2HQ will count towards an aggregate score for your club or team. You can read more in the June RadCom feature on the GR2HQ Challenge and you can see the rules on the RSGB website at

TX Factor has released its latest episode in which there is a look at the IC-R15 communications receiver, the latest offering from Icom. Bob, G0FGX and Mike, G1IAR discuss how best to configure the Anytone BT-01 bluetooth microphone with the Anytone AT-D578, which will be a boon for mobile operating. Finally, there is the second part of a feature on operating via the QO-100 satellite with the Groundstation 2 from DX Patrol. Watch this and previous episodes on the TX Factor website at or on its YouTube channel.

Category: GB2RS Headlines