Also in GB2RS this week…

| June 28, 2024

The team from hi-impact based on the Wirral is planning its first high-altitude balloon launch of 2024. This time, working alongside staff and pupils from Monks Coppenhall Academy near Crewe, they will launch at 11am on Wednesday, 3 July 2024 from their usual location in Cilcewydd, near Welshpool, in Wales. They will be running a HABduino and encourage all amateurs and shortwave listeners to upload telemetry to SondeHub. The frequency will be 434.650MHz USB, transmitting 50 Baud RTTY, 425Hz Shift and using 7N1 data format. The callsign is MONKS_HAB. Updates will be posted on hi-impact’s Facebook page and on X @hiimpactconsult.

This year’s Churches and Chapels on the Air event will take place on Saturday, 14 September. If you are planning to put your church or chapel on the air, please email John, G3XYF on and he will add you to the list of participants.

And finally, don’t forget that this Sunday, 30 June 2024, is Alexanderson Day. The unique Alexanderson alternator, with the callsign SAQ, is scheduled for two transmissions on 17.2kHz using CW. At 0830UTC, the alternator will be started up and at 0900UTC the first transmission will take place. A second transmission is scheduled for 1200UTC. You can read more about the event and historic transmitter at

Category: GB2RS Headlines