Also in GB2RS this week…

| February 9, 2024

The RSGB website now has these details online. The RSGB’s reply to Ofcom has been added to its special focus page on the Ofcom licence review. Along with other recent representations, this will enable Ofcom to finalise the new licence later this month. The RSGB Spectrum Forum pages have also been updated with the January 2024 group reports and meeting notes, which included the discussions on the provisional changes. To read more, visit the website

As previously announced by the RSGB Examinations Standards Committee Chair, Tony Kent, G8PBH, the amateur radio licence examinations will need to change to reflect the changes to the licence conditions announced by Ofcom. The scale of the licence changes will have a significant impact on Section 1 of the syllabus, ‘Licensing’, and a small impact on Section 7, ‘Operating’. Ofcom is currently reviewing representations and will publish its final decision, including the final version of the licence, before the 21st of February. The new licence will come into effect before work on the syllabus and examination question bank is completed. The RSGB Examinations Standards Committee has gained approval from Ofcom to continue to examine to the current licence conditions for a period of six months following the publication of the new licence. This will allow trainers time to update their courses in line with the new syllabus, and allow candidates that have started their training under the current licence conditions to complete their courses and take the exam. It is expected that examinations to the new licence conditions will begin on the 1st of September 2024. For full details, see the exam announcements page on the RSGB website.

The first amateur radio station on the moon, JS1YMG, is now transmitting. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA, landed its Smart Lander for Investigating the Moon on the 19 January 2024. The JAXA Ham Radio Club, JQ1ZVI secured the JS1YMG callsign and has been transmitting Morse code on 437.41MHz since the 19 January. The probe uses 1W to a UHF antenna, with circular polarisation, and is transmitting what is described as “matters related to amateur business.” Radio amateurs have been busy analysing JS1YMG’s signal. You can read more about this story on Daniel Estévez, EA4GPZ’s blog here

The RadCom team is looking for authors who are interested in antennas. So, if you are passionate about the theory, design and construction of antennas, and would like to contribute to the magazine, please email

Category: GB2RS Headlines