Also in GB2RS this week…

| December 22, 2021

It is the final week of activation for GB21YOTA for Youngsters on the air. Today, the 26th, and again on the 28th, M0YTE will supervise M7FED using the callsign. On the 27th and 29th, Hilderstone Radio Society will be on the air. Then, on the 30th M0BOY will supervise M7OMY operating the YOTA callsign. Finally, on the 31st, it is M0YTE and M7FED operating on the last day of Youngsters on the Air for this year. 

The Sudan Amateur Radio Association supports National Day on Saturday the 1st of January from 0000UTC to 2359UTC with amateur radio activity. Some amateur clubs team up to make a big splash with lots of activities, radios and antennas, offering a variety of modes to experience. For others, National Day provides an opportunity to coach a smaller group of amateurs and to just have fun talking on the radio. You can email for more details.

RSGB HQ is closed for the holidays until 8.30am on the 4th of January. During that time, if you need information about amateur radio, exams or RadCom you’ll find lots of information on the RSGB website, You could also contact your Regional Representative if you need local help, you can find their contact details on the RSGB website at

Category: GB2RS Headlines