New Ones for IOTA

| June 28, 2019

Every five years the IOTA Board reviews the island list to see if there is scope for a small number of additions to the list of around 1,200 island groups.

Some ‘New Ones’ were announced at the Ham Radio gathering in Friedrichshafen last weekend.

More details are on the IOTA website, but, in brief, the new ones are AS-206 Honshu Coastal Islands East; AS-207 Chukchi Sea Coast Centre; OC-298 Tatakoto Atoll; OC-299 Yap East group; OC-300 McKean and Nikumaroro Atolls; and SA-101 Alejandro Selkirk Island.

AS-206 will probably be activated very soon; the others will take a lot more planning.

Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines