Also in GB2RS this week… will be providing free electronic kits for accompanied school-age children attending the Scottish Electronics and Radio Convention. It takes place at the Braehead Arena, Glasgow, on 20 May 2018. A dedicated construction area will be set up, and help will be on hand so children should leave with a fully working project. Alternatively, it may be built at home with a parent. Pre-register your interest now at to receive your free entry tickets and further information. Parents unable to attend may enter a free draw for kits.
The RSGB Board has appointed Steve Nichols, G0KYA, as a member of the Nominations Committee. Steve is Chair of the Propagation Studies Committee. The Nominations Committee considers candidates for Nominated Board Director and makes recommendations to the Board. Steve replaces John McCullagh, GI4BWM who has stepped down as a Committee Chair and so is no longer eligible to be a member of the Nominations Committee. The RSGB would like to thank John for his work for the Society.
The RSGB assists HF DXpeditions to the rarer countries through a fund supported each year from the proceeds of the RSGB Convention raffle, as well as income from legacies and donations. The Society is looking to appoint a fifth trustee for the HF DXpedition Fund who, given the increasing number of applications, will also act as Secretary to the group. Applicants should be enthusiastic HF DXers with an interest in DXCC and IOTA. RSGB Members who wish to be considered for appointment should contact RSGB General Manager Steve Thomas, M1ACB via email to, with details of their amateur radio and other relevant experience.
Category: GB2RS Headlines