Also in GB2RS this week…
A video created by the RSGB was used by Don Beattie, President of IARU Region 1, at the IARU Conference in Landshut to spark discussion about the future of amateur radio. Filmed at YOTA 2017, five young radio amateurs from different countries explain what they think the future of amateur radio should look like. They are optimistic, enthusiastic and knowledgeable—see the video.
The GB2RS news team for Region 8 is appealing for newsreaders. You need to hold a Full licence and be an RSGB Member. For DMR broadcasts you will need to be able to access one of the TG8/ S2 enabled repeaters, currently GB7LY, GB7UL, GB7HB or GB3OM. If you’re interested, or want to know more, please contact RSGB Regional Manager Philip Hosey, MI0MSO via email to or call him directly on 0784 902 5760.
DXCC card checking will be available at the National Hamfest, on 29 and 30 September 2017 at the Newark and Nottinghamshire Showground. Situated on the UK 6m Group stand, they can also check your documents for your Logbook of the World, so bring your licence and original photo ID such as photo driving licence or passport, with the same name on both. These documents don’t have to be sent to the USA. If you plan to bring a lot of cards, more than 25, please drop them off as soon as you arrive. Please note the paper application forms are no longer used: you must use the online tool to make your application and bring the resulting printout with the cards.
The RSGB annual Construction Competition is open for entries. The aim of the competition is to encourage home construction, experimentation, design and innovation. The competition can be entered by individual members or groups of members where the build team will be treated as a single entrant. The closing date is the end of September 2017 and any project that you have built, other than one that was a previous winner in this competition, may be entered. Judging will take place at the RSGB Convention in October 2017—full details and entry form here.
The IARU Region 1 Conference concluded on Thursday with the final plenary adopting a wide range of recommendations for current and future amateur radio, from HF to microwaves. Having made a substantial number of proposals, the RSGB was pleased to see many of these being adopted in some form in the final plenary. Note that those changes affecting band plans will be discussed in the forthcoming RSGB Spectrum Forum meeting, prior to the update of RSGB band plans in early 2018.
The RSGB Legacy Sub-Committee makes recommendations to the RSGB Board on requests for funding from the £180,000 Legacy Fund. The Board wishes to appoint a new Chairman of the Legacy Sub-Committee and also a further sub-committee member. Information about the fund is on the RSGB website and further details of these appointments are available from the General Manager, Steve Thomas, M1ACB, via email to
Following the recent ARISS-Europe Board elections, four candidates were elected unopposed for a term of two years. Oliver, DG6BCE is chairman, Emanuele, I0ELE is technical director, Bertus, PE1KEH and Jean Pierre, F6DZP are counsellors. They take office on 1 October 2017.
At the IARU Region 1 Conference, in recognition of their outstanding and ongoing contributions, Graham Shirville, G3VZV, Lisa Leenders, PA2LS and Gregg Mossop, G0DUB have been awarded the IARU Region 1 Medal for their work on Satellite Coordination, Youth, and Emergency Communications respectively.
Doug Fraser has decided to stand down as DRM 21 in Region 2. We would like to thank him for his service to his fellow amateurs. There is now a vacancy in the area for an RSGB Member to take on the role of Deputy Regional manager. If any one is interested in applying for the role of DRM 21, Highlands, please contact Andy Burns, MM0CXA via email to
The RSGB EMC Committee has been investigating VDSL broadband interference on the HF amateur bands for three years now. To increase the amount of evidence available, the RSGB EMC Committee has set up a survey to collect current signal levels at the frequencies of VDSL band transitions. The survey closes on 30 September 2017 and every one is invited to contribute their findings, whether or not they believe they suffer VDSL interference.
Category: GB2RS Headlines