Also in GB2RS this week…
Rod Stafford, W6ROD has retired as IARU Secretary after seven years and the ARRL Board of Directors has designated David Sumner, K1ZZ as his replacement. Dave Sumner has served in this capacity twice previously, from 1982 to 1989 and from 1999 to 2009. IARU President Tim Ellam, VE6SH has appointed Rod Stafford as Emergency Communications Special Advisor, where he will represent the interests of the IARU and the global amateur radio community in the Development Sector of the ITU. He will also offer advice and counsel on matters relating to emergency and disaster response communications.
It is with sadness we report the death of Geoff Holland, G3GHS, a long time QSL sub-manager for the G3E-H group of call signs. In his 90s and unwell for several years, Geoff was always cheerful and helped by his XYL Mavis. He continued in post until his death two weeks ago. He will be missed by many. Members with G3E-H call signs need to be aware that this small series will now be absorbed into other groups as part of the long-term consolidation plan. All cards and envelopes are being transferred. The new groups will shortly become G3A-F and G3G-L. See for updates.
The RSGB Spectrum Forum will hold its annual meeting on Saturday, 29 October. This key event will be an opportunity to consider reports from its members and review current and emerging issues. These include the potential harmonisation of the 50MHz band in Region 1, wireless power transmission, and plans for the forthcoming Region 1 Conference. Amateurs are reminded that the Society has a consultation open for topics for the Conference.
The RSGB Training and Education Committee Schools Link project is expanding and has vacancies for additional team members and also for the team leader. The aim of Schools Link is to find ways of supporting teachers delivering the curriculum, by providing additional help and materials for those places where radio examples help illuminate it. The focus is on teachers and supporting the curriculum, rather than directly on school students or on getting amateur radio into schools. If you are interested in joining this team, please contact Philip Willis by emailing, describing those parts of your background that may be relevant, how they fit the project’s needs and why you think this is something where you would enjoy making a contribution.
The VHF handheld transceiver used for the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program has begun to display an error message and is unusable at this time. It has been in use for more than 16 years and in that time has connected students worldwide with astronauts on board the International Space Station. While the ARISS technical team evaluates the best path to restore operation from the ISS Columbus module, ARISS contacts will be supported using the Kenwood radio in the Russian service module. During this period, the packet digipeater will be unavailable.
Category: GB2RS Headlines