Also in GB2RS this week…
The RSGB 2016 Convention takes place on 7-9 October 2016 at Kents Hill Conference Centre, Milton Keynes. This year, delegates can learn more about aurora with Paul Whiting, G4YQC. Not only is the aurora a magnificent sight and a strange propagation mode it is also a major RF radiator. Paul will talk about what this phenomenon is, its causes, and how to look and listen out for it. For more information on this year’s Convention, go to
The keynote lectures and presentations from Friedrichshafen Ham Radio 2016 are available from the Documentary Archive Radio Communications. Go to and click on the lecture room icon.
The AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium at the Holiday Inn, Guildford will hear presentations from Peter, DB2OS and Achim, DH2VA on the new geostationary amateur radio satellite transponders due to launch in 2017. The two transponders will provide CW, SSB and digital amateur TV communications between five continents. The event on the weekend of 30-31 July is open to all. Thanks to volunteers from the BATC the presentations will also be streamed live. Further information available from AMSAT-UK.
A new radio club has been formed in Poland, located in one of the schools in Rzeszow. It has all been made possible by a number of radio amateurs from nearby clubs. The club call is SQ8POP, which is held by Piotr, SP8MRD, so keep your ears open for this call—the school looks forward to working you.
The August RadCom contains details of a new propagation prediction tool from the RSGB Propagation Studies Committee. The first stage can be seen working at and the PSC is keen to develop it further. Unfortunately, the initial developer can no longer devote any more time to the project. Consequently, the RSGB PSC is looking for an experienced programmer with Python skills, plus a good working knowledge of Linux and web servers, to develop the next phase of the online HF propagation prediction software on a voluntary basis. If you can help please contact Gwyn, G4FKH via email to
The first meteor scatter QSO from OE2YOTA, the Youngsters on the Air station in Austria has been made and confirmed. RSGB VHF Manager John, G4SWX made the contact on 16 July at 1217UTC on 144.360MHz. The youngsters from other countries in IARU Region 1 as well as one team from the US will be on their way home by the time of this news broadcast and we look forward to hearing more about their week.
Category: GB2RS Headlines