Also in GB2RS this week…
The number of instances of interference from VDSL has increased over the last couple of years in the UK. To help amateurs to detect interference from VDSL the RSGB has drawn up a leaflet, the 15th in a series of EMC leaflets that the RSGB EMC Committee has produced. The leaflet has been uploaded to by G4JKS and is freely available to all. Just search that site for VDSL.
The RSGB 2016 Convention takes place on 7-9 October 2016 at Kents Hill Conference Centre, Milton Keynes. Two of the very different talks you can expect are Restoring Old Radio Sets by Philip Lawson, G4FCL and Making the Tim Peake Contacts A Reality with Graham Shirville and Noel Matthews. Philip will give a taster as to what is involved in restoring an old radio set from electrical and mechanical repairs through to testing and restoring the cabinet. Graham and Noel will explain the organisation required to provide the VHF ground station equipment needed at each of the 10 schools and how it was only part of the challenge. Details at
The annual Night of Nights event starts at 0001UTC on 13 July. In this event, historic maritime CW stations such as KPH, WLO and Coast Guard stations such as NMC return from the dead for a few hours. It’s sponsored by the Maritime Radio Historical Society based in the USA. Two amateur stations, K6KPH and W4WLO will also be on the air using CW. QSLs will be available for working various stations. For more details visit
The National Hamfest takes place at the Newark Showground in Nottinghamshire on 30 September and 1 October 2016. This year there will be several international attendees including LUSO Towers, Mastrant guying ropes, Powertech Computers and Tecadi with his pole and rope solutions. Several of the UK exhibitors have even increased their stand sizes to accommodate their increasing product lines. For advance entrance tickets that give you fast track entry to the event, or flea market bookings and club stand requests, please visit
In an Andorran government resolution dated 16 June, Andorra returns to 60m with the allocation of 5351.5 to 5366.5kHz with a maximum power of 15W EIRP. CW and USB is permitted, with a maximum bandwidth of 5kHz. There is also a new 4m allocation of 70.0 to 70.2MHz, on a non-interference basis, with a maximum power of 10W. All modes are permitted and users must abide by the IARU Region 1 band plan. Finally, a power increase has been granted on 6m, now up to a maximum of 600W.
Churches and Chapels on the Air will take place Saturday, 10 September. If you or your club intend to put a station on please register that station with John, G3XYF, by email, to A full list of registered participants can be found on the CHOTA website.
Category: GB2RS Headlines