ISS link to City of Norwich school
The next UK school contact with Tim Peake on the ISS will be with the City of Norwich school on Friday, 26 February.
The 10 minute window opens at 1434UTC and the call will be GB2CNS.
A team of nine amateurs, mainly from Norfolk ARC, have already run two 1½ hour workshops entitled Making Waves for Students.
The workshops started with an introduction into amateur radio and included a showing of the new RSGB youth video.
Then they ran a circus of five activities covering SSTV, Morse, waves, APRS and a four component battery-less crystal set.
The following scheduled contact is Powys Combined Schools, between 29 February and 6 March.
The exact dates and times are only notified by NASA about 10 days beforehand, but will be publicised via GB2RS, the RSGB website and social media once available.
All school contact transmissions from the ISS can be heard on the usual downlink frequency of 145.800MHz.
Category: Front Page News, GB2RS Headlines