Also in GB2RS this week…
The RSGB’s new Facebook Page is proving popular. Please do Like our Page, which can be found at—over 1,200 people have done so in the first week. You can get up-to-date news as well as information about events and Member offers in your newsfeeds as well as have the chance to comment on posts and ask questions. Photo Friday, where you can help us identify photos in the archives, has resulted in some new information coming to light, thank you. Two more photos went online on the 30th.
The RSGB has launched a new way to find out about, and post, amateur radio events in your area. It’s called UK Events Planner and displays upcoming radio events as markers on a map of the UK. You can search by postcode or place, and you can set distances from five miles to 100 miles. The UK Events Planner can be accessed by everyone. Go to to try it out. If you are an RSGB affiliated amateur radio club you can post events directly on to the UK Events Planner.
On 27 January, the East Yorkshire Repeater Group took delivery of a Yaesu Fusion DR-1XE repeater kindly sponsored by LAM Communications. This will be used to upgrade GB3HS on 145.65MHz. The recent change of site and antennas for GB3HS now allows access using just a 5W handheld in the centre of Hull and in Grimsby.
Ron Huntsman, G3KBR from Cambridge is one of the last surviving members of the production team who televised the 1961 trial of Adolf Eichmann, one of the Nazi architects of the Holocaust. Ron set up hidden TV cameras in the court room and fed the cables across the street suspended by a catenary wire to a rather rapidly-built TV recording studio in a nearby building. The trial and G3KBR’s technical role were featured in the 90-minute drama, ‘The Eichmann Show’, screened recently on BBC 2. It can be seen on BBC iPlayer with an accompanying 30-minute Learning Zone documentary until 19 February. More details are on the RSGB Facebook page.
A summary of matters discussed at the Ofcom-RSGB Forum meeting held on 13 January is now available on the RSGB website.
The RSGB Contest Committee has issued a rule change concerning the use of machine generated modes in the UK Activity Contest that comes into force from today, 1 February. The use of machine generated transmission modes, or MGM, are permitted in the AX section of all UK Activity Contests and in all sections of the 23cm UKAC and the SHF UKAC.
Category: GB2RS Headlines