Ofcom updates
On page 7 of the July RadCom there was news on a number of Ofcom consultations. The release of spectrum at 2.3 and 3.4GHz is the topic of a substantial and thorough Ofcom consultation that also has wider implications for Secondary allocations and licensing and will conclude on 22 July. Both the Society and some leading commercial organisations highlighted significant concerns regarding the impact that 2.3GHz LTE might have on 2.4GHz usage and capacity. The RadCom GHz column and RSGB website has data and links regarding this and an online discussion forum. Also available online on the Ofcom and RSGB websites are our recent responses to 24GHz car radar, additional spectrum for wireless broadband at WRC-15, and exempt use of 2.4GHz, which is related to the 2.3GHz spectrum release. Ofcom has now implemented new automotive radar regulations that will gradually phase out wide band car radar from our 24GHz Primary allocation. The topic also has a linkage to WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.18 for 78GHz vehicle radars. We understand that the VHF Consultation, which includes the prospect of 146 to 147MHz and other low band opportunities, may now not be released until the end of the summer.
Category: GB2RS Headlines