DX News – 28 July 2024

| July 26, 2024

Jeff, W7BRS is active as VK2/W7BRS from Lord Howe Island, OC-004, until the 1 August. He is operating using CW, SSB and FT8 on the 40 to 10m bands. QSL via OQRS.

A team of five UK operators will attempt to activate MM0UKI from the Flannan Islands, EU-118, in August. The uninhabited island group is 20 miles west of the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides. It is the 6th most wanted IOTA location in Europe and the 2nd in the UK, after Rockall. The team consists of Rockall DXpedition veteran Nobby G0VJG, John G4IRN, Paul G4PVM, Mike GM5AUG and Jamie M0SDV. The trip is weather dependent and departure to the island is planned for the 1 August, with the 2 August being a contingency day. Activity will be on the 40 to 6m bands, using SSB and CW from three stations. Operating will continue until the first available weather window for departure on the 4 August or thereafter. The QSL Manager for the trip is Charles, M0OXO.

Category: GB2RS DX News