DX News – 18 January 2015
VE7BV will be active stroke TG9 from Guatemala between 22nd January and 17th February. He plans a holiday style operation on 20, 17 and 15 metres using CW and SSB. QSL via his home callsign, direct, by the bureau or electronically using Logbook of the World.
The Rockall DX Group travelled to Iran to put Kish Island, IOTA AS-166, on the air until 31st January. The callsign will be EP6T and they will have 5 high powered stations on the air. QSLs go via M0URX.
Tom, KC0W will be in Haiti signing HH5/KC0W until 3rd February. This is a CW-only expedition on 160, 80 and 40m. QSLs go directly to his home callsign.
Patrice, F5RBB and Mireille, F4FRL will be on the air from Monaco as 3A/F5RBB and 3A/F4FRL, respectively, from the 18th to 24th January. Activity will be on 20 and 15 metres using RTTY and PSK31. QSL via operators’ instructions.
Category: GB2RS DX News