Contest News – 6 April 2014

| April 4, 2014

The SP DX Contest ends at 1500UTC today, 6 April, having run for 24 hours. In it there are numerous entry categories, mainly for single ops. The exchange is signal report and serial number; SP stations give their single letter Province code.

On Monday between 1900 and 2030UTC the CW leg of the 80m Club Championships takes place. The exchange is signal report and serial number.

The 432MHz UK Activity Contest takes place from 1900 to 2130UTC on Tuesday. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

On Saturday from 1600 to 2000UTC, the EU Spring Sprint takes place. Using CW only on the 3.5 to 14MHz bands the exchange is both callsigns, serial number and name.

Sunday 13 April has several contests taking place. The First 50MHz contests rums from 0900 to 1200UTC using all modes on the band. The exchange is signal report, serial number, locator and postcode.

On the same day from 1000 to 1600UTC the UK Microwave group contest runs on the 1.3 to 3.4GHz bands. The exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

The Worked All Britain datamode contest takes place next Sunday, 13 April, from 1200 to 2200UTC. This is a new contest and there are separate categories for RTTY and PKS31.The exchange is signal report (RSQ), serial number and WAB square. Entries need to be with the contest manager by 4 May 2014. Full details of the rules and logsheets may be obtained from the WAB website.

The first OK-OM DX SSB Contest takes place from 1200UTC on 12 April to 1200UTC on 13 April. The exchange is signal report and serial number with Czech and Slovak stations also sending their 3 letter county code. Full details at

Category: GB2RS Contest News